Epoxy flooring in South Africa for Polyurethane and epoxy floors
Apart from the obvious essential applications in factories and warehousing, in the food and beverage industry, exhibition areas, sports centres and many more, recent innovations have created a demand for the more aesthetic, coloured and custom-designed floors required by entertainment areas, showrooms, boutiques and other retail applications that can all be met by this sector. Epoxy floor coatings are quick to install. Your new epoxy floor coating will create a seamless surface. Concrete floors coated in epoxy last longer and resist considerable wear. The epoxy finish is extremely hard and resistant to friction. It also provides optimum protection against particle abrasion, corrosive fluids, turbulence, heat, cold, and impact forces. Epoxy flooring are well known for their great look, long-lasting quality, and durable nature of the flooring. However, what are the advantages and disadvantages of epoxy flooring in South Africa? There are some important limitations of epoxy flooring...